The GPC agreement has many advantages, so if it is reclassified, many problems will arise. Since the performer is not on the staff of the enterprise, HR officers have less worries; they do not need to issue benefits, pay for vacation (regular or maternity leave), or sick leave. There are no problems with allocating a separate workplace. If the GPC agreement is converted into an employment agreement, then the employer will have to pay penalties, add additional contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and sometimes need to pay social benefits.
Signs that the relationship is labor and not civil law: The contract Australia Phone Number Data does not indicate a specific result, but rather states what the employee should do in general. For example, there is an obligation to post articles on the site. In this case, specifics are needed: the content manager must post 4 new product cards on the resource by the end of the month. The amount of monetary reward does not change. For example, in December the performer received 4 thousand rubles and in January the same amount, although in the first case he wrote articles, and in the second - 5.

The lack of linkage of the payment amount to the amount of work done is immediately noticeable. The contractor systematically does the same thing, the range of his tasks does not change. In the company's office, a workplace is allocated and equipped for the contractor. The contract lacks some mandatory clauses, for example, specific deadlines. The agreement specifies the contractor's work schedule. The performer is paid a bonus, given vacation time, covered expenses - in general, it is provided for what only a full-time employee is entitled to.