On the other hand the most thoughtful readers will continue to look beyond these lines since there is nothing like a cryptic formula to attract their attention. And in honor of my good friend we will call it the ice cream theorem. Cx= [ m+i sc] oc surely you already see your next presentation with this tangle of acronyms which will leave your audience stunned and will make you look like an expert in front of them. Let's see what is hidden behind each symbol. Let's start with m+i.m.
Refers to measurement and .i. To innovation . We are clear that we cannot surprise our clients without innovating and that without a system that monitors our impact we would be blindsided. We need dashboards to reliably support that innovations Mobile App Development Service and changes are generating the desired impact. But why are these two elements multiplied by sc what is that coefficient and why does it have so much power over them sc is nothing more than .mon sense . The absence of the most overwhelming logic when we innovate and above all when we measure it can ruin our entire project.
A dashboard full of data graphs and tables has to serve a purpose ; measurement is not an end in itself and sometimes we see how this statistical orgy be.es a limiting factor both for the projects and for the teams that develop them. be practical relevant simple understandable and impactful. Otherwise our sc can be zero and any number multiplied by zero. And that oc exponent that rules over the entire formula there lies the key to everything ; customer orientation . It is the first unmoved engine the noumenon of each project that seeks to awaken emotions. All brands claim to be customer.oriented but only a few truly put the customer at the center; a handful of lunatics who blindly believe that success is a consequence of looking.